The EMQ broker could be extended by plugins. Users could develop plugins to customize authentication, ACL and functions of the broker, or integrate the broker with other systems.
The plugins that EMQ 2.0-rc.2 released:
Plugin | Description | |
emq_dashboard | Web Dashboard | |
emq_retainer | Store Retained Messages | |
emq_modules | Extend Modules Plugin | |
emq_auth_clientid | ClientId Auth Plugin | |
emq_auth_username | Username/Password Auth Plugin | |
emq_auth_ldap | LDAP Auth | |
emq_auth_http | HTTP Auth/ACL Plugin | |
emq_auth_mysql | MySQL Auth/ACL Plugin | |
emq_auth_pgsql | PostgreSQL Auth/ACL Plugin | |
emq_auth_redis | Redis Auth/ACL Plugin | |
emq_auth_mongo | MongoDB Auth/ACL Plugin | |
emq_web_hook | Web Hook Plugin | |
emq_lua_hook | Lua Hook Plugin | |
emq_coap | CoAP Protocol Plugin | |
emq_sn | MQTT-SN Protocol Plugin | |
emq_stomp | STOMP Protocol Plugin | |
emq_sockjs | STOMP over SockJS Plugin | |
emq_recon | Recon Plugin | |
emq_reloader | Reloader Plugin | |
emq_plugin_template | Template Plugin |
emq_plugin_template - Template Plugin¶
A plugin is just a normal Erlang application which has its own configuration file: ‘etc/<PluginName>.conf|config’.
emq_plugin_template is a plugin template.
Load, unload Plugin¶
Use ‘bin/emqttd_ctl plugins’ CLI to load, unload a plugin:
./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load <PluginName>
./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins unload <PluginName>
./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins list
emq_retainer - Retainer Plugin¶
Renamed the emq_mod_retainer to emq_retainer project in 2.1-beta release.
Configure Retainer Plugin¶
## disc: disc_copies, ram: ram_copies
## Notice: retainer's storage_type on each node in a cluster must be the same!
retainer.storage_type = disc
## Max number of retained messages
retainer.max_message_num = 1000000
## Max Payload Size of retained message
retainer.max_payload_size = 64KB
## Expiry interval. Never expired if 0
## h - hour
## m - minute
## s - second
retainer.expiry_interval = 0
emq_auth_clientid - ClientID Auth Plugin¶
Released in 2.0-rc.2:
Configure ClientID Auth Plugin¶
##auth.client.$N.clientid = clientid
##auth.client.$N.password = passwd
## Examples
##auth.client.1.clientid = id
##auth.client.1.password = passwd
##auth.client.2.clientid = dev:devid
##auth.client.2.password = passwd2
##auth.client.3.clientid = app:appid
##auth.client.3.password = passwd3
Load ClientId Auth Plugin¶
./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load emq_auth_clientid
emq_auth_username - Username Auth Plugin¶
Released in 2.0-rc.2:
Configure Username Auth Plugin¶
##auth.user.$N.username = admin
##auth.user.$N.password = public
## Examples:
##auth.user.1.username = admin
##auth.user.1.password = public
##auth.user.2.username =
##auth.user.2.password = public
Add username/password by ./bin/emqttd_ctl users CLI:
$ ./bin/emqttd_ctl users add <Username> <Password>
Load Username Auth Plugin¶
./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load emq_auth_username
emq_dashboard - Dashboard Plugin¶
The Web Dashboard for EMQ broker. The plugin will be loaded automatically when the broker started successfully.
Address | https://localhost:18083 |
Default User | admin |
Default Password | public |
Configure Dashboard Plugin¶
## HTTP Listener
dashboard.listener.http = 18083
dashboard.listener.http.acceptors = 2
dashboard.listener.http.max_clients = 512
## HTTPS Listener
## dashboard.listener.https = 18084
## dashboard.listener.https.acceptors = 2
## dashboard.listener.https.max_clients = 512
## dashboard.listener.https.handshake_timeout = 15s
## dashboard.listener.https.certfile = etc/certs/cert.pem
## dashboard.listener.https.keyfile = etc/certs/key.pem
## dashboard.listener.https.cacertfile = etc/certs/cacert.pem
## dashboard.listener.https.verify = verify_peer
## dashboard.listener.https.fail_if_no_peer_cert = true
emq_auth_ldap: LDAP Auth Plugin¶
LDAP Auth Plugin:
Released in 2.0-beta.1
Configure LDAP Plugin¶
auth.ldap.servers =
auth.ldap.port = 389
auth.ldap.timeout = 30
auth.ldap.user_dn = uid=%u,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
auth.ldap.ssl = false
Load LDAP Plugin¶
./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load emq_auth_ldap
emq_auth_http - HTTP Auth/ACL Plugin¶
MQTT Authentication/ACL with HTTP API:
Supported in 1.1 release
Configure HTTP Auth/ACL Plugin¶
## Variables: %u = username, %c = clientid, %a = ipaddress, %P = password, %t = topic
auth.http.auth_req =
auth.http.auth_req.method = post
auth.http.auth_req.params = clientid=%c,username=%u,password=%P
auth.http.super_req =
auth.http.super_req.method = post
auth.http.super_req.params = clientid=%c,username=%u
## 'access' parameter: sub = 1, pub = 2
auth.http.acl_req =
auth.http.acl_req.method = get
auth.http.acl_req.params = access=%A,username=%u,clientid=%c,ipaddr=%a,topic=%t
Load HTTP Auth/ACL Plugin¶
./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load emq_auth_http
emq_auth_mysql - MySQL Auth/ACL Plugin¶
MQTT Authentication, ACL with MySQL database.
MQTT User Table¶
CREATE TABLE `mqtt_user` (
`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`username` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`password` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`salt` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
`is_superuser` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0,
`created` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `mqtt_username` (`username`)
CREATE TABLE `mqtt_acl` (
`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`allow` int(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '0: deny, 1: allow',
`ipaddr` varchar(60) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'IpAddress',
`username` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Username',
`clientid` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'ClientId',
`access` int(2) NOT NULL COMMENT '1: subscribe, 2: publish, 3: pubsub',
`topic` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Topic Filter',
INSERT INTO `mqtt_acl` (`id`, `allow`, `ipaddr`, `username`, `clientid`, `access`, `topic`)
(3,0,NULL,'$all',NULL,1,'eq #'),
Configure MySQL Auth/ACL Plugin¶
## Mysql Server
auth.mysql.server =
## Mysql Pool Size
auth.mysql.pool = 8
## Mysql Username
## auth.mysql.username =
## Mysql Password
## auth.mysql.password =
## Mysql Database
auth.mysql.database = mqtt
## Variables: %u = username, %c = clientid
## Authentication Query: select password only
auth.mysql.auth_query = select password from mqtt_user where username = '%u' limit 1
## Password hash: plain, md5, sha, sha256, pbkdf2
auth.mysql.password_hash = sha256
## %% Superuser Query
auth.mysql.super_query = select is_superuser from mqtt_user where username = '%u' limit 1
## ACL Query Command
auth.mysql.acl_query = select allow, ipaddr, username, clientid, access, topic from mqtt_acl where ipaddr = '%a' or username = '%u' or username = '$all' or clientid = '%c'
Load MySQL Auth/ACL plugin¶
./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load emq_auth_mysql
emq_auth_pgsql - PostgreSQL Auth/ACL Plugin¶
MQTT Authentication/ACL with PostgreSQL Database.
Postgre MQTT User Table¶
CREATE TABLE mqtt_user (
id SERIAL primary key,
is_superuser boolean,
username character varying(100),
password character varying(100),
salt character varying(40)
Postgre MQTT ACL Table¶
CREATE TABLE mqtt_acl (
id SERIAL primary key,
allow integer,
ipaddr character varying(60),
username character varying(100),
clientid character varying(100),
access integer,
topic character varying(100)
INSERT INTO mqtt_acl (id, allow, ipaddr, username, clientid, access, topic)
(3,0,NULL,'$all',NULL,1,'eq #'),
Configure Postgre Auth/ACL Plugin¶
Plugin Config: etc/plugins/emq_auth_pgsql.conf.
Configure host, username, password and database of PostgreSQL:
## Postgre Server
auth.pgsql.server =
auth.pgsql.pool = 8
auth.pgsql.username = root
#auth.pgsql.password =
auth.pgsql.database = mqtt
auth.pgsql.encoding = utf8
auth.pgsql.ssl = false
## Variables: %u = username, %c = clientid, %a = ipaddress
## Authentication Query: select password only
auth.pgsql.auth_query = select password from mqtt_user where username = '%u' limit 1
## Password hash: plain, md5, sha, sha256, pbkdf2
auth.pgsql.password_hash = sha256
## sha256 with salt prefix
## auth.pgsql.password_hash = salt sha256
## sha256 with salt suffix
## auth.pgsql.password_hash = sha256 salt
## Superuser Query
auth.pgsql.super_query = select is_superuser from mqtt_user where username = '%u' limit 1
## ACL Query. Comment this query, the acl will be disabled.
auth.pgsql.acl_query = select allow, ipaddr, username, clientid, access, topic from mqtt_acl where ipaddr = '%a' or username = '%u' or username = '$all' or clientid = '%c'
Load Postgre Auth/ACL Plugin¶
./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load emq_auth_pgsql
emq_auth_redis - Redis Auth/ACL Plugin¶
MQTT Authentication, ACL with Redis:
Configure Redis Auth/ACL Plugin¶
## Redis Server
auth.redis.server =
## Redis Pool Size
auth.redis.pool = 8
## Redis Database
auth.redis.database = 0
## Redis Password
## auth.redis.password =
## Variables: %u = username, %c = clientid
## Authentication Query Command
auth.redis.auth_cmd = HGET mqtt_user:%u password
## Password hash: plain, md5, sha, sha256, pbkdf2
auth.redis.password_hash = sha256
## Superuser Query Command
auth.redis.super_cmd = HGET mqtt_user:%u is_superuser
## ACL Query Command
auth.redis.acl_cmd = HGETALL mqtt_acl:%u
Redis User Hash¶
Set a ‘user’ hash with ‘password’ field, for example:
HSET mqtt_user:<username> is_superuser 1
HSET mqtt_user:<username> password "passwd"
Redis ACL Rule Hash¶
The plugin uses a redis Hash to store ACL rules:
HSET mqtt_acl:<username> topic1 1
HSET mqtt_acl:<username> topic2 2
HSET mqtt_acl:<username> topic3 3
1: subscribe, 2: publish, 3: pubsub
Redis Subscription Hash¶
The plugin can store static subscriptions in a redis Hash:
HSET mqtt_subs:<username> topic1 0
HSET mqtt_subs:<username> topic2 1
HSET mqtt_subs:<username> topic3 2
Load Redis Auth/ACL Plugin¶
./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load emq_auth_redis
emq_auth_mongo - MongoDB Auth/ACL Plugin¶
MQTT Authentication/ACL with MongoDB:
Configure MongoDB Auth/ACL Plugin¶
## Mongo Server
auth.mongo.server =
## Mongo Pool Size
auth.mongo.pool = 8
## Mongo User
## auth.mongo.user =
## Mongo Password
## auth.mongo.password =
## Mongo Database
auth.mongo.database = mqtt
## auth_query
auth.mongo.auth_query.collection = mqtt_user
auth.mongo.auth_query.password_field = password
auth.mongo.auth_query.password_hash = sha256
auth.mongo.auth_query.selector = username=%u
## super_query
auth.mongo.super_query.collection = mqtt_user
auth.mongo.super_query.super_field = is_superuser
auth.mongo.super_query.selector = username=%u
## acl_query
auth.mongo.acl_query.collection = mqtt_user
auth.mongo.acl_query.selector = username=%u
MongoDB Database¶
use mqtt
MongoDB User Collection¶
username: "user",
password: "password hash",
is_superuser: boolean (true, false),
created: "datetime"
For example:
db.mqtt_user.insert({username: "test", password: "password hash", is_superuser: false})
db.mqtt_user:insert({username: "root", is_superuser: true})
MongoDB ACL Collection¶
username: "username",
clientid: "clientid",
publish: ["topic1", "topic2", ...],
subscribe: ["subtop1", "subtop2", ...],
pubsub: ["topic/#", "topic1", ...]
For example:
db.mqtt_acl.insert({username: "test", publish: ["t/1", "t/2"], subscribe: ["user/%u", "client/%c"]})
db.mqtt_acl.insert({username: "admin", pubsub: ["#"]})
Load MongoDB Auth/ACL Plugin¶
./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load emq_auth_mongo
emq_modules - Modules Plugin¶
Merged the emq_mod_presence, emq_mod_subscription, emq_mod_rewrite into one emq_modules project.
Configure Modules Plugin¶
## Presence Module
## Enable Presence, Values: on | off
module.presence = on
module.presence.qos = 1
## Subscription Module
## Enable Subscription, Values: on | off
module.subscription = on
## Subscribe the Topics automatically when client connected
module.subscription.1.topic = $client/%c
## Qos of the subscription: 0 | 1 | 2
module.subscription.1.qos = 1
## module.subscription.2.topic = $user/%u
## module.subscription.2.qos = 1
## Rewrite Module
## Enable Rewrite, Values: on | off
module.rewrite = off
## {rewrite, Topic, Re, Dest}
## module.rewrite.rule.1 = x/# ^x/y/(.+)$ z/y/$1
## module.rewrite.rule.2 = y/+/z/# ^y/(.+)/z/(.+)$ y/z/$2
emq_mod_presence - Presence Module¶
Presence module will publish presence message to $SYS topic when a client connected or disconnected:
This project has been deprecated in 2.1-beta release.
Configure Presence Module¶
## Enable presence module
## Values: on | off
module.presence = on
module.presence.qos = 0
Load Presence Module¶
This module will be loaded by default.
./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load emq_mod_presence
emq_mod_retainer - Retainer Module¶
Retainer module is responsible for storing MQTT retained messages.
This project has been deprecated in 2.1-beta release.
Configure Retainer Module¶
## disc: disc_copies, ram: ram_copies
module.retainer.storage_type = ram
## Max number of retained messages
module.retainer.max_message_num = 100000
## Max Payload Size of retained message
module.retainer.max_payload_size = 64KB
## Expired after seconds, never expired if 0
module.retainer.expired_after = 0
Load Retainer Module¶
This module will be loaded by default.
./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load emq_mod_retainer
emq_mod_subscription - Subscription Module¶
Subscription module forces the client to subscribe some topics when connected to the broker:
This project has been deprecated in 2.1-beta release.
Configure Subscription Module¶
## Subscribe the Topics automatically when client connected
module.subscription.1.topic = $client/%c
## Qos of the subscription: 0 | 1 | 2
module.subscription.1.qos = 1
##module.subscription.2.topic = $user/%u
##module.subscription.2.qos = 1
Load Subscription Module¶
This module will be loaded by default.
./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load emq_mod_subscription
emq_mod_rewrite - Topic Rewrite Module¶
Released in 2.0-rc.2:
This project has been deprecated in 2.1-beta release.
Configure Rewrite Module¶
{emq_mod_rewrite, [
{rules, [
%% {rewrite, Topic, Re, Dest}
%% Example: x/y/ -> z/y/
%% {rewrite, "x/#", "^x/y/(.+)$", "z/y/$1"},
%% {rewrite, "y/+/z/#", "^y/(.+)/z/(.+)$", "y/z/$2"}
Load Rewrite Module¶
./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load emq_mod_rewrite
emq_coap: CoAP Protocol Plugin¶
CoAP Protocol Plugin:
Configure CoAP Plugin¶
coap.server = 5683
coap.prefix.mqtt = mqtt
coap.handler.mqtt = emq_coap_gateway
Load CoAP Protocol Plugin¶
./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load emq_coap
libcoap Client¶
yum install libcoap
% coap client publish message
coap-client -m post -e "qos=0&retain=0&message=payload&topic=hello" coap://localhost/mqtt
emq_sn: MQTT-SN Protocol¶
MQTT-SN Protocol/Gateway Plugin.
Configure MQTT-SN Plugin¶
UDP Port for MQTT-SN: 1884
etc/plugins/emq_sn.conf: = 1884
Load MQTT-SN Plugin¶
./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load emq_sn
emq_stomp - STOMP Protocol¶
Support STOMP 1.0/1.1/1.2 clients to connect to emqttd broker and communicate with MQTT Clients.
Configure Stomp Plugin¶
Default Port for STOMP Protocol: 61613
stomp.default_user.login = guest
stomp.default_user.passcode = guest
stomp.allow_anonymous = true
stomp.frame.max_headers = 10
stomp.frame.max_header_length = 1024
stomp.frame.max_body_length = 8192
stomp.listener = 61613
stomp.listener.acceptors = 4
stomp.listener.max_clients = 512
Load Stomp Plugin¶
./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load emq_stomp
emq_sockjs - STOMP/SockJS Plugin¶
emq_sockjs plugin enables web browser to connect to emqttd broker and communicate with MQTT clients.
The plugin is deprecated in 2.0
Configure SockJS Plugin¶
Default TCP Port: 61616
{emq_sockjs, [
{sockjs, []},
{cowboy_listener, {stomp_sockjs, 61616, 4}},
%% TODO: unused...
{stomp, [
{frame, [
{max_headers, 10},
{max_header_length, 1024},
{max_body_length, 8192}
Load SockJS Plugin¶
./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load emqttd_sockjs
SockJS Demo Page¶
emq_recon - Recon Plugin¶
The plugin loads recon library on a running EMQ broker. Recon libray helps debug and optimize an Erlang application.
Load Recon Plugin¶
./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load emq_recon
Recon CLI¶
./bin/emqttd_ctl recon
recon memory #recon_alloc:memory/2
recon allocated #recon_alloc:memory(allocated_types, current|max)
recon bin_leak #recon:bin_leak(100)
recon node_stats #recon:node_stats(10, 1000)
recon remote_load Mod #recon:remote_load(Mod)
emq_reloader - Reloader Plugin¶
Erlang Module Reloader for Development
Don’t load the plugin in production!
Load Reloader Plugin¶
./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load emq_reloader
reload CLI¶
./bin/emqttd_ctl reload
reload <Module> # Reload a Module
Plugin Development Guide¶
Create a Plugin Project¶
Clone emq_plugin_template source from
git clone
Create a plugin project with and depends on ‘emqttd’ application, the ‘Makefile’:
PROJECT = emq_plugin_abc
PROJECT_DESCRIPTION = emqttd abc plugin
BUILD_DEPS = emqttd
dep_emqttd = git master
COVER = true
Template Plugin:
Register Auth/ACL Modules¶
emq_auth_demo.erl - demo authentication module:
-export([init/1, check/3, description/0]).
init(Opts) -> {ok, Opts}.
check(#mqtt_client{client_id = ClientId, username = Username}, Password, _Opts) ->
io:format("Auth Demo: clientId=~p, username=~p, password=~p~n",
[ClientId, Username, Password]),
description() -> "Demo Auth Module".
emq_acl_demo.erl - demo ACL module:
%% ACL callbacks
-export([init/1, check_acl/2, reload_acl/1, description/0]).
init(Opts) ->
{ok, Opts}.
check_acl({Client, PubSub, Topic}, Opts) ->
io:format("ACL Demo: ~p ~p ~p~n", [Client, PubSub, Topic]),
reload_acl(_Opts) ->
description() -> "ACL Module Demo".
emq_plugin_template_app.erl - Register the auth/ACL modules:
ok = emqttd_access_control:register_mod(auth, emq_auth_demo, []),
ok = emqttd_access_control:register_mod(acl, emq_acl_demo, []),
Register Callbacks for Hooks¶
The plugin could register callbacks for hooks. The hooks will be run by the broker when a client connected/disconnected, a topic subscribed/unsubscribed or a message published/delivered:
Name | Description |
client.connected | Run when a client connected to the broker successfully |
client.subscribe | Run before a client subscribes topics |
client.unsubscribe | Run when a client unsubscribes topics |
session.subscribed | Run after a client subscribed a topic |
session.unsubscribed | Run after a client unsubscribed a topic |
message.publish | Run when a message is published |
message.delivered | Run when a message is delivered |
message.acked | Run when a message(qos1/2) is acked |
client.disconnected | Run when a client is disconnnected |
emq_plugin_template.erl for example:
%% Called when the plugin application start
load(Env) ->
emqttd:hook('client.connected', fun ?MODULE:on_client_connected/3, [Env]),
emqttd:hook('client.disconnected', fun ?MODULE:on_client_disconnected/3, [Env]),
emqttd:hook('client.subscribe', fun ?MODULE:on_client_subscribe/4, [Env]),
emqttd:hook('session.subscribed', fun ?MODULE:on_session_subscribed/4, [Env]),
emqttd:hook('client.unsubscribe', fun ?MODULE:on_client_unsubscribe/4, [Env]),
emqttd:hook('session.unsubscribed', fun ?MODULE:on_session_unsubscribed/4, [Env]),
emqttd:hook('message.publish', fun ?MODULE:on_message_publish/2, [Env]),
emqttd:hook('message.delivered', fun ?MODULE:on_message_delivered/4, [Env]),
emqttd:hook('message.acked', fun ?MODULE:on_message_acked/4, [Env]).
Register CLI Modules¶
cmd(["arg1", "arg2"]) ->
cmd(_) ->
?USAGE([{"cmd arg1 arg2", "cmd demo"}]).
emq_plugin_template_app.erl - register the CLI module to EMQ broker:
emqttd_ctl:register_cmd(cmd, {emq_cli_demo, cmd}, []).
There will be a new CLI after the plugin loaded:
./bin/emqttd_ctl cmd arg1 arg2
Create Configuration File¶
Create etc/${plugin_name}.conf|config file for the plugin. The EMQ broker supports two type of config syntax:
- ${plugin_name}.config with erlang syntax:
{plugin_name, [
{key, value}
- ${plugin_name}.conf with a general k = v syntax:
plugin_name.key = value
Build and Release the Plugin¶
- clone emq-relx project:
git clone
- Add DEPS in Makefile:
DEPS += plugin_name
dep_plugin_name = git url_of_plugin
- Add the plugin in relx.config:
{plugin_name, load},